Dr. Cowan's Garden - $50.00 Gift Card

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If you're struggling to find ways to incorporate veggies into you or your kid's lives - you may not have heard of Dr. Cowan's Vegetable Powders...

If you're settling for produce sold at large scale retailers - you may need to compliment this struggle with powders from Dr. Cowan's Garden

Produce grown in the US is a much bigger problem than you could ever imagine. Glyphosate (roundup) is poisoning our soil and making us sick.

Why Dr. Cowans Garden?

I too struggle with finding ways to get my two-year-old to eat vegetables. To be honest, I struggle with implementing veggies into my own lifestyle. Feels a bit hypocritical reflecting on it.

It wasn't until I found Dr. Cowans Garden that I started incorporating veggies on a daily basis. These products are game changers. The powders give me this creative power that helps me con my two-year-old into thinking he is eating (insert any food your kid won't eat here) transformed into a different color 😉

The produce is clean AF 👩‍🌾😁

They grow, and source produce that is:

  1. Better than organic
  2. Sustainably foraged in the wild
  3. Biodynamic


Better than organic vegetables 

Beneath the Label

Dr. Cowan's Garden is BEYOND ORGANIC, different than organic.

Organic is a baseline, no chemicals, not necessarily nourishing, and plants are often fertilized with only organic NPK fertilizer. What about all of the other minerals and components to grow plants with vitality, not just looks of vitality?

The farmers involved create healthy nutrient dense soil - full of vitality and beneficial soil organisms, organic minerals, fulvic and humic acids THAT NOURISH THE PLANTS, THAT NOURISH US. They create a circle of true vitality!

All products are stored in Miron jars

The color and thickness of the Miron jars are intended to screen out as much of the UV-B and UV-C wavelengths as possible while admitting as much of the UV-A and far-infrared wavelengths as possible. These properties allow for prolonged storage and, possibly, an "energetic" enhancement of the contents of the jar.

Which Expert Approved?

Charles Barber - Crucial FOUR Founder

"I Charles Barber approve Dr. Cowan's biodynamic farm and all of his products. His attention to detail is in exact alignment with our farm. Cheers to Dr. Cowan's work!"